A septic system in general consist of a holding tank, various components and drain field used for on site sewage and disposal system. A septic system inspection is typically performed by a qualified licensed septic tank contractor. A thorough septic system inspection requires pumping and cleaning out tank so entire tank is visible for inspection. The typical inspection reporting form used is a standard form provided by the Sate of Florida’s Department of Health. The form is titled “Sate of Florida Department of Health Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal System Repair Evaluation”.
According to the State, the form is to be completed by a Florida Registered Engineer, Department Employee, Septic Tank Contractor or other Certified Person. The form provides for existing tank information including size/gallons, material made of (usually concrete) and filter type (if a filter exist). It also provides for existing drain field information including type of drain field system, dimensions, configuration, design and elevation of bottom of drain field in relation to existing grade and system failure and repair information if any including site conditions, nature of failure and failure symptoms at time of pump-out.
Costs for inspections vary depending on age and size of tank. Typically, tanks are 900, 1050 0r 1350 gallon size. Older tanks my be a single compartment tank whereas newer tanks typically have two compartments. Older tanks usually don’t have filters like newer tanks. Code requirements have changed regarding construction of septic systems through the years. During construction, various stages of septic system construction are inspected by the State Health Department.